Head Office
29 Rush Green Road
Romford RM7 0PH
Romford Branch: (+44) 01708 766 211
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Opening Times
YMCA Romford Gym: Open 24 hours
YMCA Romford Cafe: Open weekdays from 9am – 5pm
Nursery: timings vary by location. Learn more
Want to leave feedback?
It helps us to understand and address any issues so that we can review and improve on our services. Compliments help us understand what we are doing well, as well as how we can improve further.
Please click on the appropriate link above to pay us a compliment, make a complaint or send us a suggestion. Complete all the fields in the form, then click ‘submit’. Once submitted, the relevant department head, director and our centre manager will automatically be notified. You no longer need to complete a printed complaint form when reporting this way.
View / download our complaints policy here.