Our Horizon training and education project works with young people aged 16 – 19, who have SEN or disabilities, enabling them to gain vocational, personal and life skills with accredited qualifications, helping them back into school, further training, volunteering, apprenticeships or work – in short preparing them for adult life.
Click here to download term & holiday dates.
We use carpentry & joinery to engage young people & excite them about learning, life after school and their role and potential in the work place. This is backed up by every chance to improve functional skills (literacy and numeracy) as well as helping with personal & social development.
We are blessed with an amazing workshop in Tonbridge which is well equipped and staffed by a dedicated, experienced and skilled team who provide every trainee with a mix of training & education plus one-to-one intensive support, building confidence, addressing individual concerns – overcoming barriers to learning.
Sport, outdoor trips and community projects are carried out by trainees to help them develop their team work, collaboration and communication. Trainees also have the opportunity to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Awards programme.
We are proud of the quality of our training, teaching, mentoring, tutoring & pastoral support.