YMCA Thames Gateway Group is serious about safeguarding.  The Association is committed to protecting the welfare of all children, young people and those adults who may be at risk of harm, as they participate in services and/or activities. To fulfil this commitment a number of arrangements are in place.

There are policies and procedures across our businesses to ensure a focus on the safety of children, young people and those adults who may be at risk of harm.

Staff and volunteers throughout the Association are responsible for ensuring they are familiar with these and new staff and volunteers are appropriately inducted.   Policies and procedures include but are not limited to Disclosure & Barring Service Checks, appropriate selection, recruitment and supervision, performance management, continuing education, reporting and codes of conduct.

YMCA Thames Gateway Group has a designated Safeguarding Lead and persons to whom any safeguarding concerns will, in the first instance, be reported and who will then discuss and agree appropriate action.  There is a Safeguarding Group which considers all matters relating to safeguarding and whose membership includes management from key operational teams.

If you have a concern in relation to Safeguarding, or if you would like to hear more about YMCA Thames Gateway Group’s safeguarding arrangements, please contact any of the following:

Senior Lead for Safeguarding
Samantha Latouche – Director of Communities
Contact details:  01708 766211 Ext 248 or Mobile 07741 845450

Deputy Senior Lead for Safeguarding 
Richard Bellis – Director of Housing
Contact details: 01708 766211 Ext: 319 or Mobile 07754 551250

Data Protection

YMCA Thames Gateway Group needs to collect and use certain types of information about people with whom it deals with in order to operate, and as such has safeguards in place to ensure that all personal information is dealt with properly and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.  To download a copy of our Data Protection Policy click here.