Opportunities to gain qualifications, skills and employment.

For young people, getting their first job can be extremely difficult if they don’t have the necessary experience.  And how do you get the experience if no one wants to give you a job? For a homeless person, getting a job or holding on to one, is equally as challenging. So, we continually strive to give our residents routes back into employment.

Life skills programme

One of the ways we do this is through our Life Skills programme, which gives our young people essential skills such as how to budget, cook and manage a tenancy.

Offered to all of our residents across all of our branches, it also includes how to look for a job or training and how to create a CV.

Click here for more information about our supported housing.

Horizon Project

Our Horizon, training and education project provides training in carpentry and joinery to young people aged 16 – 19, who have SEN or disabilities, enabling them to gain vocational, personal and life skills with accredited qualifications, helping them back into school, further training, volunteering, apprenticeships or work – in short preparing them for adult life.

This project is located in West Kent and is backed up by every chance to improve functional skills (literacy and numeracy) as well as helping with personal & social development. Click here to find out more about the Horizon project.

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If you would like to speak to someone in person, please call us on

01708 766211 or email info.romford@ymcatg.org.