As one of the largest charities in the world, the YMCA has evolved and changed over its 176 year history. One of the things that has stayed the same however, is the purpose – to provide support, comfort and guidance to
those that need it, regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation or socio-economic background.

For us, at YMCA Thames Gateway Group, we provide that support to around 10,000 people in our local communities. We want to help people reach their full potential in mind, body and spirit.


  • During 2019/2020, we were able to accommodate 611 people, of which 531 were tenant holders, 60 were children with the remaining 20 being partners.
  • In summer 2021, our new Park View development was completed and now provides homes to 39 young people who are now living independently.


  • We support over 300 young people each year. Over 2,200 individual support sessions took place during 2019/2020, consisting of 230 unique individuals attending 30 different sessions.
  • We have around 50 residents active in our Stronger in Diversity project and Black Lives Matter activities, and a further 20 took part in our LGBTQ+ forum and local Pride activities.

Children’s, youth & family work

  • We  reach 5,000 children every year through our other services including birthday parties, and our youth services team offered meaningful activities and support to around 120 young people.
  • In 2020, we cared for 454 children in our Early Years Settings, 553 children attended our After School and Holiday Clubs, and we championed 60 families through our family support work.
  • In 2020, we received more grants than ever before which has enabled us to grow the youth work team – we supported around 135 young people.

Health & Wellbeing

  • During 2019/20, we had an average of 874 direct debit paying members use our gym facilities in Romford every month.
  • 188 people attended our senior citizens group.
  • 12 people attended our specialist programmes.