29 Rush Green Rd, Dagenham,
Romford RM7 0PH
Opening hours:
Open daily, 7 days a week
Get in touch
01708 766211 or email
29 Rush Green Rd, Dagenham,
Romford RM7 0PH
Opening hours:
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Get in touch
01708 766211 or email
Welcome to Romford
We believe that health & wellbeing is about so much more than just physical exercise and fitness. It is about connected wellness in body, mind and spirit.
Physical fitness is often an important step in that journey and one through which you can see benefits in emotional and spiritual health.

The benefits
Mind. Body. Spirit.
Improve your physical and mental wellbeing on our spacious gym floor
Find your workout tribe in our group classes
Enjoy a wide range of fresh food, use the wifi and relax afterwards at our restaurant
Keep your children entertained with our kids clubs
Work out with us
Each an expert in their area, our instructors love what they do, and love helping you feel good.